Monday, August 23, 2010

"Turn your heart inside out and dare to make a difference"

In one week I will be leaving to start my 15 month volunteer commitment in Chile through the Humility of Mary Volunteer Service (the title of this blog comes from the "motto" of the volunteer program). It's hard to believe that summer is already over but I am very excited to start this next adventure! Many of you are wondering where exactly I will be going and what exactly I will be doing but the truth is, I don't know for sure. I will either be in Sanitago (the capital), Vilches (a more rural town) or Chillan (a suburb). On the map below, Chillan is near Concepcion and Vilches is between Santiago and Chillan.

Once in Chile my fellow volunteer (Kym) and I will spend a couple weeks in each town getting to know the community and the possible volunteer sites. Volunteer placements range from helping at a women's center to teaching English to young students to working with a public health organization and beyond. There are lots of opportunities so I'm sure we will be able to find many programs and organizations that fit our desires, skills and abilities. Time will tell where we end up and what organizations we will volunteer with- I will be sure to keep you all updated as we explore the communities and our possible volunteer sites.
I'd love to hear from you while I'm in Chile. Since I won't have a permanent home for the first 1.5 -2 months email (, skype or facebook would be the best modes of communication. I will update with an address once I have one :).

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